Do Not Worry
God Will Provide
George Müller was a man of great faith who cared for thousands of orphans in England during the 1800s. He never asked people for money, but instead, he prayed and trusted God to provide.
One morning, the orphanage had no food, and the children sat at the table with empty plates. Instead of panicking, Müller prayed, thanking God for what He was about to provide. Moments later, there was a knock at the door. A local baker had felt led to bring fresh bread early that morning. Soon after, a milkman’s cart broke down outside, and he offered the orphanage free milk before it spoiled. God provided exactly what they needed, just in time!
Worry vs. Faith
Luke 12:22 says "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.” Verse 31 goes on to say “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Jesus reminds us that God provides for the birds and clothes the flowers—how much more will He take care of us? Worrying doesn’t add anything to our lives, but trusting God brings peace. When we focus on His kingdom instead of chasing after things, we see how He provides exactly what we need.
Things to Ponder
What kinds of things do we worry about?
How does worry affect us?
How can we trust God more, like George Müller did?
Application Challenge
This week, when you feel worried, stop and pray. Tell God what’s on your heart and thank Him in advance for providing. Keep a “God’s Provision Journal” and write down ways He answers your prayers, big or small!
Prayer Prompt
Lord, thank You for caring for us more than we can imagine. Help us to trust You instead of worrying. Remind us that when we seek Your kingdom first, You will take care of everything we need. Amen.