A Teachable Heart
In the early 1500s, a German monk named Martin Luther began to see things in the Bible that didn’t line up with what he had always been taught. It was hard for him to accept at first—he had devoted his life to his church! But as he studied, he realized he needed to change his thinking. Instead of clinging to pride or tradition, Luther humbly embraced correction from God’s Word. His willingness to be taught helped spark the Protestant Reformation, changing the world and pointing many back to the truth of the gospel.
Overview of Acts 18:24–28:
In this passage, we meet Apollos, a well-educated and passionate speaker from Alexandria. He knew the Scriptures well and had been instructed in the ways of the Lord—but he only knew about Jesus through John the Baptist's teachings, which likely means he understood repentance but not the full message of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and the Holy Spirit.
When Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos speak, they recognized that something was missing. Instead of embarrassing him, they gently took him aside and explained the full truth about Jesus. And here’s what’s amazing: Apollos listened. He didn’t argue or get defensive. He received the correction humbly—and then went on to become an even more powerful teacher, boldly defending the gospel and helping many believe.
Things to Ponder:
Have you ever thought you were right about something, only to find out later that you were missing an important piece?
How easy is it for you to accept correction or feedback—from a parent, teacher, pastor, or friend?
Why do you think Apollos was willing to listen to Priscilla and Aquila, even though he was already a respected teacher?
What might have happened if Apollos had let his pride get in the way?
Application Challenge:
This week, pay attention to how you respond when someone corrects you—whether it’s a small thing, like how you’re doing a chore, or something deeper, like your attitude or words. When someone speaks into your life, ask yourself: Could God be using this to help me grow?
Like Apollos, we may have part of the picture but not the whole thing. God often uses other people to sharpen us. When we stay humble and open, we grow stronger in our faith and more useful to God’s kingdom.
Prayer Prompt:
“God, thank You for putting people in our lives who help us grow. Give us hearts like Apollos—humble, teachable, and eager to learn more about You. Help us not to let pride or fear keep us from hearing truth. And may we also be kind and gentle when we see others who need help understanding more about You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”