Boldly Share the Gospel
In 1949, a young preacher set up a tent in Los Angeles to preach the gospel. He was nervous—what if no one came? What if people mocked him? But he boldly preached about Jesus night after night. Soon, thousands of people came to hear him, including reporters, celebrities, and politicians. That one revival sparked a movement, and over his lifetime, that man would go on to preach to over 215 million people! His name? Billy Graham. Graham could have stayed quiet, but because he boldly shared the gospel, millions heard about Jesus.
Read Acts 2:14-41
Acts 2:38 says:
"Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.."
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples gathered together. Then, Pentecost happened—the Holy Spirit filled them, and they began speaking in different languages. A huge crowd gathered, confused about what was happening. Some people mocked them, saying they were just drunk.
That’s when Peter stood up and boldly preached. He explained that this was God’s power at work. He told them about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and he urged them to repent and be baptized. Peter, who once denied Jesus three times out of fear, was now fearless in front of thousands!
The result? About 3,000 people believed and were baptized that very day.
Things to Ponder:
Why do you think Peter was so bold after being afraid before?
How does the Holy Spirit help us share about Jesus?
What are some reasons people are afraid to talk about Jesus today?
Application Challenge
Consider a challenging situation in your life where standing firm in faith means choosing love over fear. Maybe it’s speaking up when it would be easier to stay silent, showing kindness to someone who is difficult, or trusting God in an uncertain situation. This week, pray for the strength to be a steady, compassionate witness for Christ in your words and actions, allowing the Holy Spirit to give you boldness like Peter.
Prayer Prompt
Lord, give us boldness like Peter. Help us not to be afraid of what others think, but to share Jesus with love and confidence. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, and show us who needs to hear about You this week. Amen,