Connecting the Dots
For centuries, the writings of ancient Egypt were a mystery. Hieroglyphics covered tomb walls and monuments, but no one knew how to read them. That all changed in 1799 when a soldier in Napoleon’s army discovered the Rosetta Stone. This remarkable artifact contained the same message written in three different scripts: Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphics. Because scholars could read Greek, they were finally able to decipher the mysterious Egyptian writing system.
The Rosetta Stone unlocked the bigger picture of ancient Egyptian history. In the same way, Stephen’s speech in Acts 7 was like a Rosetta Stone for understanding God’s plan. He connected the stories of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and the prophets to reveal how all of history was pointing to Jesus. The religious leaders knew the stories, but they had missed their true meaning. Stephen boldly showed them that Jesus was the key to understanding the whole biblical narrative.
Read Acts 7:1-53
Acts 7:52-53 says:
"Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him (Jesus)—you who have received the law that was given through angels but have not obeyed it.”
In Acts 7, Stephen is on trial before the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy. Instead of simply defending himself, he gives a powerful speech that summarizes the story of Israel—from Abraham to Moses to David—demonstrating how God’s plan had been unfolding all along. He highlights Israel’s pattern of rejecting God’s messengers, ultimately pointing to Jesus as the Righteous One they had rejected.
Stephen’s speech shows his deep knowledge of Scripture and his ability to connect the dots. He understood that all of history was leading to Jesus, and he boldly proclaimed that truth, even at great personal cost.
Things to Ponder
Why do you think Stephen chose to tell Israel’s history instead of just answering the accusations against him?
How does seeing the big picture of the Bible help us better understand Jesus’ role in God’s plan?
If someone asked you to explain what the Bible is about in a few minutes, what would you say?
Application Challenge
This week, take some time as a family to practice summarizing the story of the Bible. Can you explain in a few sentences how it all points to Jesus? Try writing down or saying out loud a short version of the biblical story, from creation to Christ. The more we practice, the more prepared we will be when an opportunity arises to share our faith.
Prayer Prompt
Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Your plan through Scripture. Help us to see how all of history points to Jesus. Give us wisdom and boldness, like Stephen, to share the gospel clearly when given the opportunity. Help us to understand the big picture of Your Word so we can help others see the beauty of Your plan. Amen.